GOUMI DEL GIAPPONE (Eleagnus umbellatum)

vaso lt. 1.5 10 x 17



* Prezzi comprensivi di IVA - spedizione esclusa da quantificare


Family : Eleagnaceae

Origin : East Asia

Shrubs with lush leafy leaves reach 3-5m in height. Light green leaves covered by numerous white dots. Scented flowers grouped to dozens. Numerous fruits covered with white dots.

Cultivation : very rustic and not very demanding. In a sunny position. It prefers acidic and fertile soils but it fits enough. be re-arranged with winter pruning. Insensitive to frost, very windy, adaptable to sea and mountain climates.

Maturation : late summer.

Use : The fruits are consumed fresh or to prepare jams.

Properties : rich in vitamin C, sugars, mineral salts and proteins (5%).

The pulp contains essential fatty acids (omega 3 and omega 6).

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